• Flow Yoga

    This is a beautiful fluid movement known as vinyasa style which moves through postures (asanas) in yoga.

    Movement is synchronised with the breath to create a wholesome and often dynamic practice, leaving you feel refreshed and restored yet peaceful and calm. 

  • Yin Yoga

    This is an opportunity to slow down, to be still and dive inwards for a while. In the busy-ness and noise of life it is a chance for some quiet. The poses are passively held between 1-5 minutes and props are used so you can relax into them.

    Yin Yoga targets the deeper tissues of the body that hold tension and the joints. This style of Yin has come from Taoist Yoga so also targets the meridian lines of Chinese Medicine.

  • Sunrise Yoga

    Traditional yogic texts state that the early morning is the most beneficial to practice because the mind is at its most still.

    It improves morning muscle stiffness and boosts our metabolism by helping our digestive system to get going.

    Deep breathing helps with mental focus and concentration and lasts throughout the day.

  • Hatha

    In this traditional yoga class, you will be guided through a set of physical postures and breathing techniques. Hatha is the union of both the sun 'Ha' and 'tha' the moon which is about balancing the mind and body. It is a class accessible to both beginners and experienced. Gentle in nature but can still be physically and mentally challenging. This class will leave your body feeling stretched and energised and your mind calm but focused.

  • Pilates

    Joseph Pilates developed a range of postural exercises in the 1920 to build abdominal strength and body control. Over the years Pilates has developed into an array of classes from cardio Pilates, mat based, reformer classes and many more styles.

    Here at Let's Retreat our classes will be focused on the 6 main principles: concentration, control, centring, flow, precision and breathing.

    The benefits of regular practice improves flexibility, increases muscle strength, particularly of your abdominals, lower back hips and buttocks (core muscles).

  • Lessons from the mat

    Discover the ways in which yoga can unlock the body both mentally and physically.

    This simple and slower-paced class explores both strength and range of movement whilst offering a quiet introduction to the lessons of yoga that go beyond the asana.

    It is suitable for all, encouraging you to let go of competition, listen to your body and work from a place of truth.

  • Small group personal training

    These sessions are aimed at women over 40 who are looking to train in a safe way that is specific to their age, helping to improve strength, flexibility and mood.

    These classes are designed to help combat age related diseases and bring about body awareness, incorporating functional exercises in a fun way, using light weights and bands to achieve optimum performance for each individual.

    You can work at your own pace in a safe environment, while being gently guided. This gives you quality coaching and gives Maddi the chance to get to understand you as the individual you are!

  • Vinyasa Flow / Power Class

    Throughout this series, Harriet will be exploring the ayurvedic elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Ether.  The elements correlate with the senses, particular body parts and functions, and each has an energy correspondent among the chakras. 

    In each monthly class you will focus on a specific element, finding power and strength in the different areas associated with each one, conditioning our mind, body and soul whilst feeling into nature's energetic influences within us.

  • Heart-Centred Flow Yoga

    All heart-centred flow yoga classes are deeply meditative, nurturing and flowing practices designed to open your body, mind and heart, release physical and emotional tension, build core strength and resilience, cultivate balance and flexibility, and promote deep relaxation.

    Hatha flow cultivates mindful self-awareness by uniting breath and conscious movement to leave you feeling grounded, inspired and deeply peaceful.

  • Release & Restore

    This class is suitable for all levels and combines yoga with myofascial release and traditional stretching.

    Fascia is connective tissue that surrounds and interconnects almost every structure in the body. It adapts (for better or worse) to our posture and movement patterns.

    Over time, our body can become so used to holding a shape that it no longer recognises the tension within it.

    Myofascial release work is incredibly effective at releasing this tension and helping to restore balance in the body.

  • Moving Soma

    Immerse yourself in a softly-supported practice, inviting deep openings that connect you with the wisdom of your own body.

    Through gentle guidance and self-enquiry, you'll explore ways to nourish and resource through movement. These classes emphasise sensing and perceiving from within, encouraging you to move based on what you feel rather than how it looks.

    Inspired by the deep connection between body and earth, each session seeks to orient the body in place, as part of nature, and in connection with the shifting seasons to bring the nervous system back to balance, fostering a profound sense of inner peace and equilibrium.

    A mid-week reset to nourish body, mind, heart and soul.

    Suitable for students of any age and level of experience who wish to unwind from the day.


Get in touch

For more information please email us or call Rachel
on 07799 880450.